Commencement May 19

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可持续发展是mg冰球突破豪华版下载2023-2028年发展战略计划的战略重点. The College’s work in that area has already begun, led by a campuswide Sustainability Committee and the inaugural cohort of Sustainability Leaders. “可持续发展领袖”——每个班一名学生——从申请者中选出,每人将获得一份奖金 Sustainability Scholarship. With the campus as a canvas for their ideas, 学生们在2022-2023学年设计有意义的项目来实施, 经常带头想出如何实现他们的目标.

Alexis Barnes '26, a 护理专业, was the first to implement her plan. Since her idea didn’t require funding, 巴恩斯行动迅速,在2022-2023学年结束时组织了一次搬家日捐赠活动. The goal of the Drive was to salvage clothing, 家具, 还有一些其他的小东西,这些小东西本来会在学生打包离开校园时被扔掉.

在校园保安的帮助下,巴恩斯在校园里组织了20个捐赠点. 设施小组把垃圾箱里的东西捡起来,放在一个中心位置,救世军可以来取走所有东西.

“It would not have been possible to do this without their help. 我很感激!她叫道.


“The day before the final move-out day, the majority of the 20 boxes were overflowing with donations, 我把8个垃圾袋装满了可以提前捐赠的材料,以便为正式的搬家日腾出空间,巴恩斯说。.

她的灵感来自于其他高校学生搬家时的视频. 学生们发现用过的物品仍然完好无损,就把它们从垃圾桶里拿了出来.

“在此之前, 我没有意识到人们扔掉了这么多可以被别人重复使用的东西,”她说。.

A primary motivation for Barnes is to keep items out of landfills. Her secondary motivation is to support the local community. That’s why she donated the items to The Salvation Army.

巴恩斯希望明年能让学生们更多地参与进来,并使捐赠活动成为一项年度活动, with donations going to additional community organizations.

Ashton Craver ’25, a 护理专业, readied to implement his plan, a rain barrel at the Sustainability House, when he returned in August for his junior year. 这所房子作为领导者的试验场,是一个他们可以研究可能在校园其他地方实施的最佳实践的地方. 它也是一个理想的雨桶,因为它靠近校园的社区花园.

“Dr. 比林斯利和他在花园俱乐部的学生可以使用从雨桶收集的水,” explained Craver. “That will take a load off EC’s water bills and related expenses.”

而可持续发展屋为第一个桶提供了一个理想的位置, 克拉弗和可持续发展委员会希望批准更多的桶安置,进一步降低学院的水成本.

“We need water for a variety of things,” he said. “它不是可饮用的,但它可以帮助浇灌校园周围的植物. Anywhere there is a gutter system we can implement a barrel for low cost.”

Grace Whiffen ’24, an Environmental Science major, 开始跟踪可持续之家的能源使用情况,以获得基线并测试效率, such as swapping in LED lighting and motion detectors. She plans to use the data to make the case that, while these types of measures can require initial investments, the long-term energy savings compensate for the more costly equipment.

到目前为止,她的研究表明,使用LED灯泡可以减少75%的能源消耗. 她的下一步是为可持续发展之家购买灯光和运动探测器. 然后,她将衡量节能程度,同时确定校园使用的最佳品牌和型号.

杰克坎贝尔, Director of Facility Operations and a Sustainability Committee member, eagerly offered to share his data with Whiffen. 他的团队一直在系统地用LED灯取代旧的荧光灯泡,并彻底改造了默里体育中心.

Christian Zweirlien ’23, a Biochemistry major, plans to collaborate with Derek Chalfant, Associate Professor of Art,利用回收材料制作艺术雕塑和小长椅,放置在校园周围. 他希望用艺术作为媒介,引起人们对可持续性科学的关注,并强调可持续性作为一个整体的重要性.


四位可持续发展领袖展望了项目的第二年, the team is excited to make more happen.

Zweirlien希望通过正式的流程来领导这个团体, making it easier for them, and future leaders, to implement their initiatives.

Craver is excited about the work the group has already started, combined with larger College initiatives. “我希望校园社区继续开展可持续发展倡议,比如亚历克西斯·巴恩斯(Alexis Barnes)发起的捐赠活动,以及关于气候的宣讲日,克雷弗说。.


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